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09 symbolic exchange and death 1min 23s. by Blake Quentin
+ Coryn Smethurst
  license details

description :Insect eyes and menu-icons, in mutual regard, form a multi-layered system. The film interprets the restless repetition and redundancy of menu and insect behaviour as typical of absurd technological society. The visual and sonic play alludes to our hyped digital utopia - the tension between an unbridled materialand its standardization into discrete binary units.

Video work distributed by Pharmakon.

biog :Blake Quentin is an artist, farmer and voyeur satisfied by the
gimlet eye of his techo-array. He operates the Voidville microcinema in a disused Appalachian mineshaft.

Coryn Smethurst is a composer and philosopher
who is an active member of Sonic Arts Network, and whose work has been performed in UK and USA.