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27 microsoft

3min 31s.

by: The C-Men + DropDaBomb   license details



description :Pure pixels instead of sissy vectorcrap,sending all design pussies back to their mummies crying. Those who faked the style for their own benefit should pay close attention...1 c64 and 2 amigas is all it takes.When the hype blows over we'll still be doing this because we have always been. You have been warned...mess with the best- die like the rest...respect to the micromusic scene
Audio: "microsoft" by DropDaBomb.

biog :The C-men Julian van Aalderen (1976) and Sjors Trimbach (1974) have both graduated from the Academy of Arts and Industry in Enschede at the Media-art department. They are working as animators/ illustrators/ graphic-designers and videoartists. Since 1999 they are operational as  the C-men veejays.
DropDaBomd are an 8-bit music Crew from muttenz (CH)